第2回日英構造プロテオミクスシンポジウム 2nd Bilateral Japan-UK Symposium


日時 平成17年5月28日(土)〜 30日(月) (終了しております。)
場所 理化学研究所横浜研究所交流棟ホール(神奈川県横浜市鶴見区末広町1-7-22)
HP http://stone.gsc.riken.jp/J_UK_symp/


Linda J. Ball (Oxford) “Multiple Roles of Biophysics in Advancing Structural Genomics”
Roslyn Bill (Aston) “The European Membrane Protein (E-MeP) Consortium”
Per A. Bullough (Sheffield) “Determination of Structures of Membrane Protein Complexes by Electron Microscopy”
Josefina Enfedaque (European Commission) “Structural Genomics in the European Union”
Samar Hasnain (CCLRC Daresbury) “Combined X-ray approach for studying metalloproteins function/misfunction : A powerful approach to Metallogenomics”
Peter J.F. Henderson (Leeds) “Prokaryote Membrane Transport Proteins of the Major Facilitator Superfamily: Amplified Expression, Purification and Crystallisation”
Neil Isaacs (Glasgow) “The Membrane Protein Structure Initiative (Mpsi) - a ProgressRreport”
So Iwata (Imperial Collage London) “Membrane Proteins: The Last Frontier in Structural Biology”
Dame Louise N. Johnson (Oxford) “Protein Kinase Substrate Recognition and Inhibition”
E. Yvonne Jones (Oxford) “HTP Strategies to Address Mammalian and Viral Proteins in the OPPF HTP Strategies to Address Mammalian and Viral Proteins in the OPPF”
Kiyoshi Nagai (Medical Research Council) “Assembling large RNA-Protein Complexes”
James Naismith (St. Andrews) “The Scottish Structural Proteomics Facility”
Michael Overduin (Birmingham) “Structural Genomics and the Henry Wellcome Building for Biomolecular NMR Spectroscopy”
Simon E.V. Phillips (Leeds) “Structural studies of nucleoside transporters”
David I Stuart (Oxford) “'SPINE Moves from the Individual to the Collective, Results on Individual Proteins and Plans for Complexes”
Michael Sundstrom (Oxford) “Directed Structural Genomics: Focus on Human Protein Families”
Malcolm Walkinshaw (Edinburgh) “Designing Ligands to Inhibit Signal Transduction Pathways”
Bonnie A. Wallace (London) “Synchrotron Radiation Circular Dichroism: A New Tool for Structural and Functional Genomics”
稲垣冬彦(北海道大)”Structural Biology of Autophagy”
木村誠(九州大) “Structure of Archaeal Toxin-Antitoxin RelE-RelB Complex: Implications for Their Activity”
倉光成紀(大阪大)”A Structural and Functional Whole-Cell Project for the Model Organism, Thermus thermophilus HB8 (tentative)”
中村春木(大阪大)”Protein-Protein Interactions: Analysis of Homologous Interactions and Prediction of Complexed Structures”
西村善文(横浜市大)”Solution Structures of ChromatinRrelated Proteins”
藤吉好則(京都大・理研)”Structure and Function of Various Water Channels”
Wang, Bi-Cheng (B.C.)(Georgia)
横山茂之(東京大・理研)”Structural Proteomics of Transcription and translation proteins (tentative)”
