Creation of light (Light source development)
- We are the world’s pioneers in the application of in-vacuum undulators (where the magnets are installed within the vacuum tube), which are used as the standard X-ray undulator at SPring-8.
- We have developed and adopted new concepts in undulators, such as vertically-polarized undulators, circularly-polarized undulators, and figure-8 undulators.
- We developed a 27-m in-vacuum undulator, making possible the world's longest ultrahigh-brilliance light source.
- We have undertaken R&D on next-generation extreme-brilliance light sources, such as self-amplified type free electron lasers in the soft X-ray range.
- SPring-8 Compact SASE Souce(SCSS)Project
27m in-vacuum undulator
Overall length : 27m
Length of period of Permanent magnet : 32mm
Number of periods : 780
Principles of high-brilliance synchrotron radiation light sources
Principles of self-amplified free electron laser
Current high-brilliance synchrotron radiation light sources randomly generate multiple electromagnetic wave packets with low amplitudes, whereas a self-amplified free electron laser uses the overlapping of electromagnetic wave packets to generate a single high-amplitude electromagnetic wave packet.
Soft x-ray range self-amplified type free electron laser, currently under development

An electron beam accelerated to 1 GeV by a high-performance accelerator (linac) enters the long undulator, generating a laser beam with a wavelength in the soft X-ray range.