SPring-8 and RIKEN Harima Institute were opened to the public.(2006.4.23)
SPring-8 and RIKEN Harima Institute were opened to the public on 23 April. Open house was conducted by SPring-8 and RIKEN Harima Institute on 23 April. Dr. SHINTAKE Tsumoru, Chief Scientist, talked about X-ray Free Electron Laser (XFEL). The conference room was filled to capacity and the audience listened attentively to the talk. RIKEN showed the prototype of XFEL, the robot of Beamline and scientific posters, and performed gThe Cell World - Be the Virus and Infect! -h. Many people showed their keen interest in the frontier research facilities and topics. In spite of the bad weather, there were about 2,900 visitors on the day, which is more than what we had last year.