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NAKAYAMA Nariaki(MEXT) visited SPring-8. (2005.7.25)
Nakayama Nariaki - the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT)

The Minister NAKAYAMA Nariaki (MEXT) inspected SPring-8. He inspected the progress in development for X-ray Free Electron LASER in the Accelerator and Beamline R&D Facility. He questioned ISHIKAWA Tetsuya, chief scientist (Coherent X-Ray Optics Laboratory), SHINTAKE Tsumoru, chief scientist (Advanced Electoron Beam Physics Laboratory) and KITAMURA Hideo, chief scientist (Coherent Synchrotron Light Source Physics Laboratory) eagerly, and described, "very active researches are continued and the future result is expected."