Welcome to Workshop toward Innovation of Photon Science |
in science and technology are indispensable to meeting the many challenges
facing the world today, such as a growing world population, limited energy
sources, global warming, and evolving infectious diseases. Leading-edge photon
science will inevitably play a prominent role in the technology required to
analyze the properties of materials. Synchrotron and XFEL technologies are
expected to provide insights as observation and analysis tools. Indeed, active
discussions between academia and synchrotron/XFEL facilities are already
underway. Furthermore, industrial users have started to work on their own
individual tasks.
However, moving discussions forward with a comprehensive, constructive, and future-oriented viewpoint requires face-to-face discussions among the top leaders of synchrotron science and the industrial world. A serious examination of the role that scientific and technological innovation plays in resolving the problems facing humankind, and the role for synchrotron/XFEL facilities, will require active participation from the industrial world. This workshop is an initial attempt toward such discussions. Japanese industrial companies have earned a reputation for excellence in analyzing the unique structures of various materials to develop technologies for everyday use. This workshop aims to facilitate inspiring discussion among representatives of the synchrotron/XFEL facilities and representatives of the Japanese industrial leaders in cutting-edge science and technology. We will conduct round-table sessions to discuss the methods for solving various challenging problems facing mankind, roles for photon science in addressing these problems, and the technological innovations required in synchrotron/XFEL facilities. |
Sincerely, |
Tetsuya Ishikawa Director of the RIKEN SPring-8 Center |